This recipe comes from my gigantic cookbook Culina Mundi I bought in London.
I just had to put this recipe here. I haven't tried it yet, but I will, as soon as B. comes back. (update: done)
100 g yellow conrmeal
100 g flour
100 g butter, cubed
100 g, sugar
1 pich salt
100 g ground almonds
1 tbsp vanilla sugar
1 egg plus 1 yolk
1 lemon
30 g butter for the molds
flour for the molds
Combine the conrmeal and flour and tip ontothe work surface. Make a well in the middle. Add the butter, sugar and salt to the well. Mix with your hands until you have large crumbs of dough.
Add the almonds and vanilla sugar. Form a well again. Break the egg into it, and then add the yolk. With the tips of your fingers, work into a golden yellow dough.
Rinse and wipe the lemon. Grate the zest and work in into the pastry.
Melt the butter in a small saucepan and brush it on the interior of individual molds 14 cm/5 in around. Flour the molds, then invert them and tap the bottoms to knock off excess flour.
Fill the molds with the dough. Bake for 45 minutes at 170 C, then lower the temperature to 160 C and bake for 25 to 35 minutes more. Remove from the oven and cool.
Unmold the cakes onto a wire rack. Enjoy them broken into small pieces, with a glass of wine or a cup of chai tea with soya milk for dipping.

And the only question is: where is BRYZOL?
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