and I die a little more on each st. valentine day
there is a tradition. a new secular tradition. each valentine day must be celebrated in a sort of bloody way. I mean, we go to cinema and watch the bloodiest movie we can find. it started in 2000 (at the beginning of this century, heh, it's actually not THAT new) when we found ourselves enjoying fight club on February 14th.
this year's pick no country for old men fully satisfied the tradition's requirements, I guess. but the only thing I could do after we came home was...
...a bloody pizza for my true love
or, actually, something completely different, but pizza sounds like a perfect bloody meal, doesn't it?
Pizza base:
1 cup warm water
2 spoon milk
1 teaspoon sugar
1,25 teaspoon salt
1 spoon butter
1 spoon olive oil
1 spoon cornflour or semolina (I used polenta)
0,5 cup rye flour
2,5 cup flour
1,5 teaspoon dried yeast
Mix warm water, milk, sugar, salt, butter and oil in a bowl until sugar and salt melt. Then add yeast and flour and mix until smooth but not sticky. Then cover the bowl and leave for about 45 minutes. The dough should double its size. Then press the dough and leave it for another 15 minutes.
After that form one large pizza (or two small 25 cm pizzas) and put whatever you like on the top. Heat the oven (230 C) . When hot put your pizzas inside. Bake them on the lowest shelf for about 10-15 minutes.
Pizza sauce:
1 can whole tomatoes
1 spoon balsamic vinegar or lemon juice (or a mixture of both)
1 pinch freshly ground black pepper
0,5 teaspoon dried basil
0,5 teaspoon dried oregano
3 garlic cloves, mashed
0,5 teaspoon salt
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Don't boil them!

And the recipes comes from
ahhh ... No Country for Old Men - as delicious a film as the pizza looks. Have you thought about having your husband get his hair cut like the quiet guy with the bottle of compressed air?
Actually, K. just cut my hair today, a little shorter than usual. Never made the association with the movie, but it figures. On a related note, I can't find my cattle gun anywhere, and I seem to have lost my cowboy boots.
I'm all out of quarters, too, lucky or otherwise.
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