I made these lambs a year ago. I really wanted to have a lamb for Easter. Not a chocolate bunny, not chocolate eggs, just a lamb.
And the only way to get a lamb for Easter in this country was to DIMyself.
This year, I don't bake anything for Easter, I believe. We go to my mum, who makes amazing yeast cakes (babas), we eat and don't think about anything at all, especially not about our studies.
Easter Lambs:
225 g flour
100g caster sugar
100 g butter, cubed
Mix ingredients until the dough looks like crumble. Then add 1 egg and continue mixing with your hands until smooth. On a flat baking tray form a lamb shape. Bake in 170 C until brown.
Use marzipan, cashew nuts and dried cranberries (or anything else you like) to create fur.
Hint: I like this cake, because it doesn't need to spend hours in the fridge before baking.
come and live with me. like, seriously. i'll get rid of b.
what, with your superior dance-fighting skills? I guess i stand no chance, but beware, I WILL fight. AND I will be the one with the belly full of nutritiou lamb-cakes.
death by tray it shall be!
kids, behave yourselves! what about us three living together in about two weeks' time?
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